Offers, Waiting, Obstacles, And Finding The Right Property | From Renting To Owning–Tampa Real Estate

Beginning of 2020, a lovely couple called me to see a new home under construction.  After selling a large home in Clearwater, my new clients were leasing a luxury home in South Tampa. They loved the location and were ready to commit to the South Tampa life-style. 

Their goals were simple to define but hard to find. 

They wanted new construction in an established neighborhood. They wanted (3800+ sq ft), a three-car garage, a pool (at least room for a pool), 5 bedrooms, high-end finishes, and a deep lot. Most importantly, they wanted consistency in the neighborhood. They wanted their home to look like the house around them. Think 2 bedroom bungalow next to a luxury home. Yeah, that is what we were trying to avoid.

We found the right house, but not the perfect home. 

I see this all the time with buyers. They look at the house that they should love, but something isn’t clicking. So, they come in with a low bid. They set themselves up to be able to walk away through rejection. I actually love it when clients do this. I really want them to find the house they LOVE. So, I don’t mind a lowball offer that keeps us in the game.

Back to our couple.

They decided to make an offer; however, the builder countered, and they walked away.  The buyers decided they wanted a larger home, with a guest bedroom and an owner’s retreat on the first floor.  

Now that we were really looking for the perfect home, I was ready! After many emails & showing my clients homes for months, they made another offer on a stunning furnished pool home.  Once again, the builder declined the offer. It’s a seller’s market, and you have to come in strong. I still felt like this wasn’t the “right” house for my clients. The neighborhood wasn’t right, and they weren’t “in love” with the home. The layout of the house just wasn’t what they wanted.

A few months later, I found a builder with the perfect floor plan.  After about 1 year of searching, we found a great location.  The stars aligned; we had the builder, the floor plan, and acceptable neighboring houses. Buyers knew this was The Home and offered full price. We waited a few more months & the home they dreamed of was ready to close.  

It took 1.5 years, but well worth the happiness & satisfaction this brought to my grateful clients.  You know I love it when all the pieces fall into place.

I see it too often. Other realtors who want to quickly show what’s on the market and push clients into a home. After 35 years of working with buyers, I know how to wait and help YOU find THE HOME.

If you need a Realtor who just loves the process, who has years of experience, and who puts in the extra effort for the love of the game, give me a call, (727) 410-8599.


It Was 1985, Big Hair, Big Cars, Big Homes, And Gold. I Became A Realtor; Here Is My Story.


I Had The Honor Of Working With Steve Yzerman On A Condo High Rise Transaction