Tampa Bay is Zillow’s hottest housing market for 2022

Zillow has named Tampa Bay the top housing market in the nation going into 2022, according to the real estate firm’s annual analysis.

Tampa Bay rose in the ranks from fourth last year to overtake Austin, Texas, for the top spot. Austin’s standing fell to 10th.

Zillow economists expect Tampa’s home values to rise 24.6 percent in 2022, according to a press release. Tampa Bay’s bustling job market, the high demand for housing inventory, a growing population of home buyers and strong home value growth contributed to its rise over other major cities.

The national housing market will likely begin to slow down “a bit” this year, Zillow forecasts, but finding a home in a hot market like Tampa Bay still won’t be easy. About six out of the top 10 markets have added more jobs than new homes over a two-year period, according to Zillow.


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